Minorities in the Media

It has been said that the media doesn't do a good job at covering minorities in the news. For one week I looked through the Florida Times Union Newspaper to see how minorities were being covered  through both pictures and stories.

In a graphic sense which involves pictures, there is not a lot of diversity depicted. Most pictures were of white male or white females. The occasional African American pictures you do find were usually them being depicted as criminals, or there was a recent death or tragedy and they look to be mourning. This is not an accurate depiction of our society, things are a lot more diverse these days. The pictures of the white people usually showed them having some kind of status or important position. That wasn't really portrayed through the African American pictures. A lot of the times the white person's picture tends to be a little larger than the average African American picture.

The depiction the Florida Times Union gives, doesn't make it seem like the issues of the minorities matter as much sometimes. Particularly if someone isn't dead or it involves some form of violence, you don't really see Times Union cover African Americans in a different aspect. This isn't a good thing because there are plenty of African Americans who have the same status as a white person might have. And if they're doing something positive to affect the community then that should be covered as well. African Americans shouldn't just be limited to being covered in a negative manner.

 Based on this research I don't think the news covers minorities in a fair manner. I feel like the news should make more of an effort to cover more issues that effect the minorities. This helps give them a voice. And also helping to portray them in a more positive manner, not just focusing on the tragic things that happen.